New Bedford Parks, Recreation & Beaches
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Adult Get Big Basketball League 30+ Fall League Register View Cart

The Department of New Bedford Parks Recreation and Beaches brings you the GET BIG  30+ Adult basketball leagues, at the Andrea McCoy Recreation Center. On Thursdays. All teams will play 6 games plus playoffs.  Membership and registration is required @  Payment must be made to lock in a roster spot.

Cost: NB-Res $100 +$25*Non-Res $110 + $25*(*Jersey)

Team shirts will be provided 

All teams will have a Min. of 7 and Max. of 10 players per team. As soon as teams have a set Roster, any players joining the league will go into a draft pool. 

Any questions contact:
Rob 774-4514824

Start and End dates subject to change, for low registration!!! 


Additional Forms and Files:
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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GET BIG Adult Basketball League 30+ 
30y - 99y N/A Su  12/15/2024 - 02/23/2025
View Times

A. McCoy Rec Center (AMRC) - Gymnasium
$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
60 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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